
Mr. SHITIZ GARG is a neophyte of the industry with having a best knowledge. It was his sheer belief & idea that led to the foundation of his big venture to dedicatedly serve the market.
Varied businesses being run by the members of the family. The whole family of him is involved in various businesses which are managed by professionals who are experts in their respective fields. But, all strategic decisions are made after proper discussions. His extreme leadership qualities made him a superior leader, leading a team of exceptional executive leaders. They are pioneers in trading of precious metal. His vision is to snuggle the global market with competitive & quality products. Dealing with large corporate companies. He has very simple mindsets that can transform your business and turn it into a powerhouse of great ideas and, more importantly, a hive of activity delivering your business promise on time, in time and in tip top condition.
Throughout his career he has signify the quality that confer his name to our group, carefully navigating our companies to new opportunities and fortify the business is equipped with the skills, assets and talent. With the world continuing to drift away from meeting target Mr. SHITIZ GARG will see how it can best to use every ounce of energy to make the greatest difference to help achieve milestones. He instilled the group with the drive to win with his genius and entrepreneurial passion. He understood that a group is only as strong as the resolute commitment of its employees. Therefore, he emphasized these same values in the men and women who worked at his side.
Phone: +971-45578625
Email: info@synergyfinvest.com
Address : 1406, Aspect Tower, Business Bay, Dubai, U.A.E.